New Sliding Windows

Nobody likes paying extortionate amounts on heating bills. And with the energy price only ever increasing, choosing to get your timber sash windows replaced with double glazed sashes may be the best option to cut down on the bills!

Double glazed windows often lose around 10% of heat, whereas older timber sash windows can lose between 30-50%. The main issues with older windows are that they lack energy performance and have poor sealing around the frames, which produce unpleasant draughts. Replacing your original windows with new energy efficient, modern double-glazed sash windows will help save you money in the long term and won't impact on the aesthetics of your property.

You can have the entire wooden sash window replaced or choose to have a sash window service to help with the heat escaping from the windows. Replacing wood sash windows is not as difficult as it may seem. We specialise in wood sash replacement and will come to your home and tell you what options are available and provide a free no obligation quote. The quote will include the cost of the new double glazed sash windows and installation as well as the removal of your old windows.

Making the Right Window Choice

Using the right windows in your home can make all the difference in the world. You need to know that your windows are saving you as much money as possible while still making your house look great. Older wooden sash windows could be costing you more money than you think, and replacing them could save you a lot more money in the long term. If you find that sash window replacement is a must, new windows can be created that are exactly like the ones you already have. This saves you from having to replace all windows in the home if you only have an issue with one or two. Your house will look like it was originally intended to and you will save money in the process.

Contact us today for more information about sash window services or if you have any questions regarding a project. Please call us on 01772 619787 or email us at, and we would happy to help with your sash window needs. You can also follow our page over on Facebook here.